
Philosophical Wax

Sometimes when Hug gets to waxing philosophical he says stuff like how there are as many different ideas about what the world looks like as there are critters in the world.

Like how everyone you meet thinks everything is about them and gets confused and can't agree about what actually happened or what someone meant by what they said. At least that's how Hug explains it.

Here's how I see the bridge we take to get to our spot by the river.

P.S. I know this is not what he means but I like the picture.


Paddy Paws

Like I promised last time this time I'll tell you about Paddy Paws. He is kind of my assistant and kind of my co-worker. He is nice. But a goof off. Not in the good way like Hug but in the bad way where he doesn't do his work.

Paddy Paws likes to ask me a million questions and tell me about all kinds of stuff that he does so he can hear what I have to say about them.

I've taken him under my wing to help him see how the estate works. But also so I can show him how if you look at things right it helps you act right and acting right helps things run more smoothly and everyone likes being around a lot more when things are running smoothly.

I like working with Paddy Paws. He is a good sort.